Underwater caves in Cavo Greco MPA

Interreg Euro-MED - MPA4Change

MPA4Change aims to enhance the role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and restoration as nature based solutions for climate change adaptation. Building on previous projects and in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy objectives, this initiative will result in the development of an action plan for Mediterranean MPAs in view to ensure its long-term sustainability and capacity.

The creation of this Action Plan for MPAs in order to ensure its long-term sustainability and resilience to climate change will be done by covering different areas of work. On the one hand, by building the capacity of MPA to adapt to climate change. On the other hand, by supporting the policy dialogue at Mediterranean and European level. And finally, by supporting the implementation of the action plan through the creation of a group of experts that will guide in this process beyond the project duration.


MPAs adapted to climate change by 2030

The achievement of nature conservation objectives set for 2030 both at international level by the Convention on Biological Diversity and at EU level by the European Green Deal and Biodiversity Strategy 2030, is behind schedule. In order to contribute in reaching these objectives and deliver time-bound and specific results, MPA4Change has set the target of supporting the integration of climate change adaptation strategies and the improvement of the management effectiveness of 100 MPAs by 2030 in the Mediterranean region.

Sign up to our mailing list and join the 100MPAx30 Challenge!

Areas of work

Capacity Building

We provide specific capacity building opportunities and resources to MPAs so they can integrate climate change adaptation into their management plans.

Data collection of marine life species in Cyprus

Policy and Advocacy

We foster and support the policy dialogue to integrate recommendations on climate change adaptation in EU, Mediterranean and Global ICZM/MSP Strategies.

View o Dubrovnik, Croatia

Implementation support

We are developing a Roster of Experts that will support the implementation of policies and tools during and after the project closure.

Management activities in Brijuni NP





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Project Partners

Total budget

Years duration