Media Kit

In this Media Kit you will find basic information about the MPA4Change. You can use both the text and images below to publish news articles, press releases, social media posts or any other communication material you find convenient for our project.

Project in one sentence

MPA4Change aims to enhance the role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and restoration as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation in order to support the achievement of nature conservation targets in the Mediterranean basin, Europe and worldwide.


Project in one paragraph

Building on previous projects and in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy objectives, MPA4Change aims to enhance the role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and restoration as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation. This initiative will result in the development of an action plan for Mediterranean MPAs in view to ensure its long-term sustainability and capacity. To do so, the transferring of ready-to-use toolkits and the creation of a roster of experts to support their effective implementation will be the project´s main lines of action. In addition, MPA4Change will advocate for the integration of its principles into effective public policies at Mediterranean and EU level while joining forces with key EU and regional actors to put MPAs at the front line of climate change adaptation. In order to boost the proposed action plan, MPA4Change will engage has started the 100MPAx30 Challenge, through which the project will strive to engage at least 100 Mediterranean MPAs to adopt climate change adaptation plans by 2030 in order to deliver time-bound results and the achievement of both European and international nature conservation objectives.

Hashtags (#)

#ClimateChange, #MPAs, #ClimateActionNow, #CapacityBuilding, #100MPAx30, #MPA4Change, #InterregEuroMED


Logo use: These MPA4Change logos are ready to use on screens and, when possible, the squared format of the logo should be used.
For other logo formats and resolutions, please contact us.

Main photo

Underwater sea caves in Cavo Greco MPA Cyprus, by Irini Valanto Papageorgiou.
Photo credit: Underwater sea caves in Cavo Greco MPA Cyprus, by Irini Valanto Papageorgiou.
Photo message: Climate change is dramatically affecting the Mediterranean Sea, causing its ecosystems to change and altering the services they provide to our society.

Secondary photo

Photo credit: Corals in Brijuni National Park, by Fabio Iardino.
Photo message: Corals are marine species specially sensitive to climate change impact, such as water temperature increase, sea level raise and acidification.

Share with us your publications!

After publishing about MPA4Change, we would much appreciate if you could send us a message through our contact form with the following information about your publication, so we can keep track of the project reach:

  • Type of publication channel (website, magazine, newspaper, social media,…)
  • Name of the publication channel (URL of website, magazine name, social media platform name…)
  • Link to the publication (in case of digital) or copy of the publication (if printed).