Diver carrying out an underwater visual census


  • Natural Heritage

DAN Europe’s support to Climate Change Adaptation in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas


DAN Europe spearheads efforts in the MPA4Change project, leveraging citizen science and diving safety expertise to boost the resilience of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) against climate change.

DAN Europe  – engaging divers in climate change monitoring

DAN Europe is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to improving diving safety through research, education, and advocacy. As a global leader in diving medical research and safety initiatives, DAN Europe offers a comprehensive range of services, including emergency medical assistance, insurance, and training programs for divers.

Diver carrying out an underwater visual census

Diver carrying out an underwater visual census – Photo by DAN Europe

In the MPA4Change project, DAN Europe engages volunteer divers in citizen science protocols, collecting valuable data and samples during dives. This approach not only enhances scientific understanding of marine environments but also directly involves the diving community in conservation efforts.

Building on experience from previous Interreg MED projects, DAN Europe developed guidelines and tools to involve recreational divers, snorkelers, and freedivers in climate change monitoring in Mediterranean MPAs. The organisation has built an e-learning platform dedicated to citizen science, where participants receive training material and complete independent study before field training, which consists of dry workshops and open water dive sessions. These programs train divers to collect ecological data using standardised protocols created by marine biologists and upload the data to dedicated platforms for evaluation and validation.

Citizen science protocols for monitoring climate change impacts

The e-learning platform includes 11 protocols to monitor climate change, allowing each diving centre to adapt them to their local marine areas. DAN Europe plays a pivotal role in transferring this knowledge to other interested parties within the MPA4Change project. One such protocol is the Fish Visual Census of climate change indicators, which targets specific species for identification, including:

Lionfish, an allien fish species increasingly spreading across the Mediterranean due to increasing temperatures, at Cavo Greco MPA, Cyprus

Lionfish, an allien fish species increasingly spreading across the Mediterranean due to increasing temperatures, at Cavo Greco MPA, Cyprus – Photo by Vasilis Resaikos.

  • Dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus)
  • Mediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis)
  • Ornate wrasse (Thalassoma pavo)
  • Mediterranean parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense)
  • Lionfish (Pterois miles)
  • Striped spinefoot (Siganus rivulatus)
  • Dusky spinefoot (Siganus luridus)
  • Bluespotted cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii)
  • Yellowspotted pufferfish (Torquigener flavimaculosus)

Local MPAs can add up to four additional target species based on their specific monitoring needs, such as invasive or exotic species, ease of recognition, population trends, and potential environmental impacts.

Leveraging an Extensive Network

DAN Europe’s extensive network, which includes thousands of recreational and professional divers, as well as dive business owners and managers, disseminates climate adaptation strategies widely. This network ensures the diving community remains well-informed and actively participates in conservation initiatives. Additionally, DAN Europe’s collaboration with technology, engineering, and IT experts underscores its commitment to integrating innovative solutions into marine conservation.

DAN Europe’s involvement in the MPA4Change project exemplifies how dedicated organisations can leverage their expertise and extensive networks to make significant contributions to environmental conservation. By engaging the diving community in citizen science and providing robust training and tools, DAN Europe not only enhances our understanding of climate change impacts on marine ecosystems but also empowers individuals to take an active role in protecting our oceans. Through such collaborative efforts, the resilience of Mediterranean MPAs can be strengthened, paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable marine environment.